Like many creative kiddos, I initially forewent artistic pursuits for the safer path. Two roads diverged in a green fig tree, or something like that.
Through grief and growing up, I found a way home to my art, my inner child. I have a lot of catching up to do yet, but these pieces are the first steps in the right direction.
a way home

featured commission:
mammoth cave
national park
For the grand reopening of Spelunker's Cafe in Mammoth Cave National Park, I was commissioned to create two featured oil paintings - a latte and a classic ice cream cone - in partnership with
The cafe is set to reopen in late Fall.
the candlelit collection
an exploration of light and shadow

secret bonus section
I have had the honor of playing makeup artist for a handful of special occasions. Makeup was my first love and an expensive, extensive obsession for a solid 15 years of my youth. Somewhere in the multiverse, there is a world in which I pursued makeup as a career. Despite angsty teen efforts to convince my parents I should move to New York and attend the Makeup Forever Academy, I did not walk that path.
I may have traded in my train case for oil paints, but I still enjoy makeup as a means of self expression, and I am proud to share these special moments with you - the few professional photos I have of my makeup artistry.